Decision Integrity (DIL) is a research and coaching enterprise working on holistic approaches that benefit sustainable systems, projects, communities, organisations and societies with special emphasis on transformative resilience.
5 tactics -
a pathway of implementation with accurately identified critical success factors
1 issues -
a holistic view of the total set of relevant issues
3 choices -
a set of mutually compatible options in interacting decision areas
7 systems - systemic models which enable anticipation of the non-linear results of taking action
2 meanings
- a negotiated and agreed set of interpretations of the issues
4 futures -
a set of scenarios enabling resilience in the face of uncertainty
6 processes - outcome oriented processes which will enable conduct of the implementation
The strategic thinking needed to navigate across Horizon Two to a vision of a sustainable world in Horizon Three is too complex for simplistic decision methods. What is needed is a suite of methods that allow for the best of intuitive thinking and the best of systems thinking for dealing with the complexity and pace of change. The Metabridge is a symbol that pulls together and orchestrates a range of such methods around the key questions of strategic thinking:
1 what are the issues?
2 what do they mean for achieving our mission?
3 what options are open to us?
4 what does the future hold?
5 what should we set out to do?
6 By what processes are we going to do it?
7 what system do we need to design to operate in?