Decision Integrity (DIL) is a research and coaching enterprise working on holistic approaches that benefit sustainable systems, projects, communities, organisations and societies with special emphasis on transformative resilience.
The IFF World Game
is designed to enable people to share their thinking about sustainability and resilience in a joined-up way that avoids the narrowness of conventional approaches. A group play their way into the complexity and discover how shared intuitions can make rapid progress in appreciating a whole
system view of community.
How do we play the IFF World Game?
The IFF World Game can be viewed, by analogy, as a Three Act drama. To enter the drama everyone takes on a role and responsibility in the game.
Act 1 is about engaging with a complex world. Act 1 engages us in the global challenges that will affect our area of concern.
Act 2 creates imaginative scenarios of what
might happen next.
Act 3 is a Wisdom Council to generate what
our best thoughts are for the future and develops our collective intelligence.
supports the IFF
World Game?
Each node of the
world game has a
briefing on its current
trends and its possible discontinuities
or ‘tipping points’. These become the basis
for considering local concerns and then the
ingredients of different scenarios of ‘what
What are the outputs of the game?
● An integrated appreciation of the world
situation that is challenging sustainability?
● Experience of a practical method for
increasing collective intelligence in a group
● A range of new action or policy ideas that
that increase resilience and synergy
What information supports the
IFF World Game?
Each node of the world game has a briefing on its current trends and its possible discont-inuities or ‘tipping points’. These become the basis for considering local concerns and then the ingredients of different scenarios of ‘what
What are the outputs of the game?
- An integrated appreciation of the world
situation that is challenging sustainability?
- Experience of a practical method for
increasing collective intelligence in a group
- A range of new action or policy ideas that
that increase resilience and synergy